
Time has passed and awaited no one. People grow up and learn about love.

The truth is so simple. The truth is so joyous. The truth is so genuine. The truth is so precious. The truth is so divine. The truth is so marvelous.

There are times when they share together, bothering nothing and wasting time. Furthermore, they behold each other and the mutual-understood truth.

There are times when he’d reach his secret savings, considering buying her the latest LV, only to see her carry the anniversary gift bought by her husband.

There are times when she’d call out to him to stop smoking just like the old, golden day, only to see his wife laugh out loud and apparently adore the aroma.

There are times when he just has to run away from her child who has every gene he used to admire and every something else he can’t put up with.

There are times when she just has to hug his child tighter and longer to feel the lost memories and to know what had defeated her in the worst way ever.

There are times when he dreams about punching the guy holding her hands, kissing her, and saying vows to her in public—and other times he dreams about being him.

There are times when she wakes up from nightmares, meeting the concerned spouse of hers, comforting him and lying to herself—because her dream is what she’s living.

There are times when he sees the teenagers sneaking out to date, recalling his wife used to compel him to do so and regretting following the orders.

There are times when she stops kids arguing and notices the boiling chemistry between them, asking herself why she wasn’t aware of her own earlier.

There are times when his kid asks about his love life, he’d find his mind suddenly goes to her beautiful yet sad face and all the past hits him afterward.

There are times when her kid jokes about daddy and mommy being gross, her first reaction will be wonderings if he’s doing the same with the lucky woman.

There are times when they’d meet up, never telling a single truth. Instead, they talk all the nonsense in the trial of getting a piece of each other’s lives.

The truth is too late. The truth is too harmful. The truth is too heavy. The truth is too painful. The truth is too risky. The truth is too sinful.

Time has passed and hurt many ones. People grow up and let go of true love.

































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